Saturday, July 28, 2012

50 Fans Giveway Winner!!!

50 Fans Giveaway Winner!!!

It's time to draw the winner!
I hope I get to have another giveaway soon, when I reach a 100!!!
SO keep liking,commenting,and sharing my photos! :)

The winner of the 50 fans giveaway is.............
Rachel Beagley

Friday, July 27, 2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

50 Fans Giveaway!!!

50 Fans Giveaway!!!

YAY!!!! Since I just hit 50 fans on Facebook I decided to do a giveaway!

Here's what you need to do-

1. Go to CourtneyShippyPhotography on facebook, and leave a comment on your favorite photo telling me why it's you're favorite.
2. Share you're favorite photo on your wall.
(must have watermark)
3. Then come back to this post, and tell me you have commented on,and shared your favorite photo!!! :)

*winner will receive a session valued at $50.
**session must take place before Oct-2012.
***winner will be chosen by random number generator
****contest ends 7-27-12 @ 12p.m MDT